Reflections Counselling and Psychotherapy Services
Re-discover, Restore, Enhance Quality of Life. /
Redécouvrir, rétablir, améliorer la qualité de vie.
Tanty Says
Written by Thalia Bennett
Illustrated by Beatriz Mello
Trinbagonian culture meets British culture as Emily visits her Tanty- a respected aunt or elderly woman, in Canterbury, England. Emily has trouble paying attention, is easily distracted, and is sometimes hyperactive. Tanty teaches Emily about being mindful, a universal state of being involving slowing down, being open, and using one’s senses. Is Emily able to master mindfulness and enjoy her vacation? From ancient eastern origins of mindfulness to West Indian and European culture Tanty Says is the fusion everyone needs in their home.
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Zaniyah Goes to Jamaica
Thalia Bennett
Illustrated by Beatriz Mello
Travel with Zaniyah and her family to Jamaica as she learns about the culture there, as well as how to say no and stick to it. Exploring both hotel life and unconventional parts of the island, this children’s book empowers children to be assertive, helping them find their voice and set boundaries and limits with others. A super fun story with delightful illustrations, humor, and diversity, be prepared for this book to potentially win your heart – just like the island itself!
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Christiano's Blue Christmas
Thalia Bennett
Illustrated by Beatriz Mello
Venture to Brazil, feel the fun of the holidays, and experience a sweet unbreakable bond between a grandparent and his grandchild, Christiano. Although Christiano feels blue this Christmas with the death of his grandfather, he moves through the holidays with fond memories of Grandpa , the togetherness of family, the support of his best friend and his grandmother, and Biscuit, the family dog. The adjustment to life without Grandpa is a difficult yet magical one. See how this children's book revolutionizes the discussion of grief and loss with sensitivity, love, cultural diversity, and inclusion, accompanied by breathtaking illustrations!
See the Following Links to Purchase:
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Imani Goes to School
Thalia Bennett
Illustrated by Beatriz Mello
This beautifully illustrated children’s book features a young girl who experiences anxiety on her first day of school. From self-doubt to fear, Imani isn't sure how the day will unfold. Luckily, Mom is close by as she faces her fears. As time runs out and Imani must leave her home, the reader ventures with her to see if she will feel better. Filled with lessons about mental wellness, parenting, and cultural diversity, Imani Goes to School is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.
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